Contract Vehicles
Solutions for Enterprise-Wide Procurement (SEWP V) Contract

Sierra7, Inc. is proud to support all federal agencies, the Department of Defense (DoD), and their authorized contractors as a prime contract holder of the Solutions for Enterprise-Wide Procurement Contract (SEWP V). SEWP V is a Governmentwide Acquisition Contract (GWAC) providing federal agencies and their authorized contractors with IT products and product-related services. Sierra7 is pleased to offer innovative IT solutions in conjunction with a variety of manufacturers via SEWP V.
SEWP V Offers IT Products & Services You Need
Information Technology
Computer Software, Tablets
Supporting Technology
Scanners, Printers, Copiers, Shredders
Associated Supplies & Accessories
Health ITs
Software & Cloud
Virtualization & Cloud Computing
XaaS (e.g. SaaS=Storage as a Service)
Maintenance / Warranty
Site Planning / Installation
Product Based Training
Product Based Engineering Services
A/V & Conferencing
A/V Equipment & Accessories
TVs, Display Monitors, Projectors & Screens
Networking & Communications
Network Appliances: Routers, Modems
Telecommunication Devices & Monthly Service
The Advantages of SEWP V
Pre-Competed Contract—no need for “three quotes”
Low 0.34% Contract Fee for government agencies
No Military Interdepartmental Purchase Request (MIPR) required
Professional services related to product integration, installation and training
SEWP V is Easy to Use
To submit Requests for Quote (RFQ), Requests for Information (RFI), & Market Research Requests (MRR), the recommended method is using the SEWP Quote Request Tool (QRT) available on the SEWP website Use of this tool assists in providing and documenting Fair Opportunity, and verifying and assuring items quoted are on contract and properly priced. For further instructions, refer to the Ordering Process guide on the SEWP website.
End User or Contracting Officer:
Determines Best Value Through Market Research
Creates Delivery Order (DO)—Cites NASA SEWP Contract Number and Prime Vendor
Sends order with cover sheet to NASA SEWP Portal, either by fax to 301-286-0317, or via email to A SEWP Fax Coversheet or simliar should accompany all DOs
Sends Order to NASA SEWP Portal online:
Verifies Order
Forwards Valid Orders to the Appropriate Contract Holder
Process time usually less than 1 business day through SEWP Portal
SEWP Vendor:
Processes Order
Delivers Equipment and Services
Invoices Agency or Contractor
The Order Bundle Must Include the Following:
Delivery Order (any valid Government DO is allowed)
Low 0.34% Contract Fee for government agencies
SEWP Fair Opportunity Form for orders over $5 Million
Quote from a SEWP Contract Holder verifying the viability of the order
If modifications are made to any order, they must also route through the SEWP Portal.
The NASA SEWP V GWAC adheres to FAR 16.505(b) (1) Fair Opportunity, which provides that each contractor shall be given fair opportunity to be considered for each order exceeding $3,000 and issued under multiple award contracts. The FAR states that the method to obtain fair opportunity is at the discretion of the CO and that the CO must document the rationale for placement and price of each order. Using the SEWP online Quote Request Tool is the recommended method to assist in this activity and to augment the required decision documentation. The SEWP QRT tool will automatically include the Contract Holders within a selected Group or based on a suggested source. NOTE: Fair Opportunity to all Contract Holders within one or more SEWP Groups is required. There is no requirement to obtain 3 quotes as long as all Contract Holders within a Group were provided opportunity to provide a quote.
Contract Period: May 1, 2015 – April 30, 2025
Contract Information
Contract # NNG15SD78B
Vendor Name: Sierra7, Inc.
Group C, Small Business Set-Aside
Small Business / SDVOSB
SEWP Program Management Office (PMO)
10210 Greenbelt Road
Suite #200
Lanham, MD 20706
Phone: (301)286-1478
Fax: (301)286-0317
Program Manager
Mary Richard
Deputy Program Manager
Brett Friedman
Program Manager
Sierra7, Inc.
DUNS: 832644186
Cage: 5SUJ1